LCC is connected to a global community of believers. Our purpose in “missions” is to participate with the Lord and His church globally in the spread of the gospel and in equipping believers. We do this in a variety of ways through prayer, sharing of resources with missionaries, and deploying people on short and long term mission trips. Out of each dollar our church body gives, 18 cents is designated for missions, both local and global. Check the Local Ministries page to see how we support the Longview Area ministries. Here’s how we use these funds globally!
Of All Giving Goes to support Global Missions and Local Ministries |
Amor MinistriesTrey Bosecker grew up in Longview Christian Church and graduated from Hallsville High School in 2008. As a member of the LCC youth group, Trey participated in several short-term mission trips that were led by Amor.Trey’s role is moving the ministry forward by leading groups, building relationships, improving operational procedures, and sharing his knowledge of the trades.
Since 1980, Amor has been working to keep families together by providing adequate housing. Part of Amor’s mission statement is to “Eradicate Spiritual and Physical Poverty.” Amor believes in doing that by working through the local church to build houses alongside families in need as an important step in solving both those issues. This ministry has changed the lives of almost 17,000 families. Website: |
Clan Stellhorn(Scotland) New InternationalChristopher (Chris) is a native Texan, while Shannon is from Missouri originally, but they have raised their family in the Houston area before serving as missionary church planters (Missional Community Builders) in Scotland. Chris & Shannon were married in 2005 and as of 2021 have five kids!
During 2022-2023 they have worked to become a part of the local region while helping support a church plant in Aberdeenshire. They have established a growing men’s outreach group, created community events that reached large numbers, taken part in the local community to support others in need, provided resources to new mom’s and families, and much more! One of their goals is to support the current churches that are faithfully serving their communities in the midst of a post-Christian culture. They support and equip local leaders to establish new Christian communities in Scotland (Church Planting) and are working alongside several great servants who are working to create a church in their own local communities. In 2023 a men’s retreat program near Aboyne in Scotland was launched. The first style of retreat was a spiritually deep retreat to allow men to dig deep in their souls and confront their wounds. It allows men to confront their anger, addictions, anxiety and more, so that they may find freedom and healing. Chris wrote this program, lead, and is equipping other men to lead it. He is now working on a second style of retreat to allow men to re-connect with God and experience the Scottish Highlands in a real way. Alongside of supporting and equipping leaders, they desire to begin the process of missional community building (church planting) and to establish a Bible training institute where new leaders may be trained and sent out. Their vision includes the creation of children’s programs, including a church camp program, so kids may come to know Christ and be encouraged to lead a life in service to Jesus. Website: |
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Haitian Impact Christian MinistriesHICM was founded in 1993 by Frantz Previl, for the sole purpose of having a lasting impact on Haiti. Since that time it has planted over 20 churches and established 9 Christian schools connected to the ministry. HICM also organizes seminars twice a year for preachers and church leaders to study theology, doctrine and church growth. They also host youth retreats in various locations with an emphasis on salvation, Christian principles, personal growth, and evangelism.
HICM has developed and maintains a child sponsorship program that provides tuition, books, uniform, supplies, medical attention and one meal a day. This home grown ministry also makes an effort to meet the medical needs of the community. It has a permanent clinic in Port-au-Prince and holds mobile clinics in other locations across the country. As people wait to see a physician, they are told about the Great Physician and some are won to the Lord. Website: |
Mexican Border Christian MinistriesThis ministry led by Dr. Mario Calderon is dedicated to making an impact along the Mexican Border. Dr. Calderon is the founding minister of six churches in the area and several others have been established with his help through MBCM.
Dr. Mario Calderon has a broadcast ministry that reaches the local community through television and radio. He uses his 20+ years of the experience at Colegio Biblico College, his time in leadership at the Ministerial Bible Institute at Guillen and the Hispanic Texas Christian Convention, as well as the decades of time spent in various capacities at Chamacuero Christian Camp to make an impact for the Kingdom. Dr. Mario was been married to his wife Betty for over 40years before she passed away in recent years. Together they have 3 grown children and many grandchildren. Mario continues to serve the Lord in innovative ways to meet the needs of people in Mexico. |
Ninos de MexicoSince 1967, Niños de Mexico has been giving life to these children one child at a time. Many of these children have grown up to become doctors, ministers, teachers, and more – all helping to spread the good news of Jesus Christ in Mexico. Today, they are actively involved in sharing Jesus with the children and people of Mexico through their children’s homes, Christian schools, medical outreach, and church planting.
The Greater Mexico City Area is one of the largest urban areas in the world, with an estimated population ranging from 19.2 million to 30 million people. In this city alone, there are hundreds of thousands of street children. Some have been orphaned. Others have been abandoned. Still, others are abused. All need the love of Jesus. Ninos de Mexico operates four children’s homes. With Christian house parents, their kids, and 11-19 children, Ninos homes are truly loving and caring places for the children to grow and learn the love of Jesus. Website: |
Outreach InternationalDale & Sonja Hawkins work with Outreach International. This organization is a missionary motivation ministry designed to recruit missionary volunteers for work overseas in areas that are unreached with the Gospel of Christ or areas that are particularly difficult to enter.
Outreach international currently provides service for missionaries and other organizations working in: U.S.A., Mexico, Haiti, Venezuela, France, Germany, Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, Uganda, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Russia, Thailand, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Papua New Guinea. Dale & Sonja’s prayer is to connect and encourage churches & missionaries in fulfilling the Great Commission, recruit laborers for the “fields white unto harvest,” faithfully carry out the responsibilities in maintaining the ministry of Outreach International, and faithfully serve the field workers to help them do what God has called them to do. “It has always been my ambition to preach the Gospel where Christ was not known…” Romans 15:20 Website: |
Ray GaytanRay and his family live and work in the Mexico City area. Ray grew up at Ninos de Mexico, another ministry LCC supports. Ray graduated from Dallas Christian College in 1993.
Following his studies, Ray returned to Mexico to preach and evangelize the Mexican people. Ray married Violeta Camacho in 1998 and they were blessed with two girls, Anna Odell and Layla America. Violeta works on counseling studies, cares for the children, and works with Ray in his ministry with the women and children’s programs. Ray is presently the Minister of Restored Christian Church, “A Place of Second Chances”. He is the director of the Mexico Christ in Youth conferences and works with other programs and camps in Mexico City. Ray is committed to plant at least 5 churches by the year 2020. He has a heart for the people of Mexico. He desires to lead young people to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ by going into other nations and giving to others the way they have received. LCC is excited to support someone from Mexico who knows the culture and will have a lasting impact on Mexico for the Lord. |
Steve & Priscilla Dye (Team Expansion in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain)Steve and Priscila Dye served as church planters for over 20 years with Team Expansion in Caracas, Venezuela. Since 2015, they have been serving the unreached in Tenerife.
Tenerife is one of the seven Canary Islands that are part of the Territory of Spain. Evangelical Christians are less than 1% of the population and many towns have no Evangelical church at all. Because Tenerife is a tourist destination, there are plenty of opportunities to make disciples not only among the locals but also with visitors and immigrants from Europe and Africa. Their vision is to begin a disciple-making movement in Tenerife, that would have at least one Discovery Bible study in each of the 32 municipalities of Tenerife. This would lead to multiple church plants and encourage the nationals to expand the movement to the other Canary Islands. Website: |
Vitalie and Inga Gavril
Cru Moldova
Both Vitalie and Inga came to know Christ through Campus Crusade while at the University. They have been married for 18 years, have 3 children and 2 foster children. Vitalie went on staff with Cru Moldova in 2003. Their vision is a church or a Bible-study group for every 1000 people in Moldova, so that everyone in their country would know somebody who truly follows Jesus. Connecting lost people to Jesus Evangelism is a key focus of their ministry. They believe that fulfilling the Great Commission is the greatest commandment that Jesus left us. They initiate evangelistic conversations using all the resources they have (relationships, social networks, marriage Coaching, Art of Marriage, The Four bracelet, perspective cards) and share the Gospel to people. Raising up leaders The only way to see leaders raised up is through investing in their lives. Together they learn how to study the Bible and grow in their relationship with God. They are also trained on how to share the Gospel to their friends, relatives and how to help them to grow in their relationship with God. Multiplying Their dream is to see spiritual movements in each city and village of Moldova. This will be through new planted churches, small groups of discipleship lead by volunteers and partners who are committed to evangelism and discipleship. Website: |
Wil ManchesterRighteous Rides
Wil serves at a ministry called Righteous Rides that provides vehicles to missionaries on furlough to transform their transportation hassle into a blessing. They do this by providing an affordable 1-12 month vehicle leasing option so missionaries no longer have to worry about buying, selling, or borrowing a car. 100% of the maintenance is covered so they can focus on the import work that God has called them to. Righteous Rides has 12 hubs across the US including one in Longview, TX! A recent graduate of LeTourneau, Wil spent 4 years at LCC while he was in college. During this time he responded to the Lord's calling to work at Righteous Rides HQ near St Louis, Missouri. He currently serves as Director of Ministry Relations stewarding the invaluable relationships Righteous Rides has with its giving partners, volunteers, and missionaries." Website: Wil's Page: |
Windward Islands School of EvangelismWindward Islands School of Evangelism evangelizes Caribbean societies and brings them to Christian maturity through the development of leaders for the church.
In its first 25 years, WISE has produced 141 graduates from eight different countries in the Caribbean region. In addition, there have been many who have not received a degree but have received training. Graduates currently minister in approximately 60 churches in 14 different countries, and are involved in ministries ranging from preaching and teaching positions to pre-school administration. In addition to the on-campus program, WISE assists its graduates with advanced classes, evangelistic efforts, counseling and encouragement, retreats, classes, programs, and personal visits at their locations. WISE looks to the future as they consider new programs to add effectiveness to the ministry of the Lord in the Caribbean region. Website: |
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Youmanly/Cornerstone Bible College (India)
Matthew 9:37-38 (NIV): Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
John 3:30 (NIV): He must become greater; I must become less. 2 Corinthians 6:3 (NIV): We put no stumbling block in anyone’s path, so that our ministry will not be discredited. Cornerstone Bible College began with extension classes in September 2014 with a few volunteer teachers. Currently they lease property north of Shillong, India and are filled to capacity with 10 students and 24 volunteer teachers. They are in the process of purchasing 50 acres and drawing up a curriculum for 100+ credits of studies. The fees that the students pay covers mostly food expenses. LCC will be providing monthly support as they work to render financial appreciation to all the teachers, assist with their traveling expenses, and attain university status, which will empower them to grant their own degrees unfettered by any compromised accreditation requisites. No website, but click here for Facebook Page |