Longview Christian Church (LCC) is a Bible-based church committed to the worship of God. We are a non-denominational, independent Christian church committed to reaching those who don’t have a church home or have given up on church for various reasons. LCC is also a place one can meet Christ for the first time. It is from Jesus Christ that the people of LCC get their identity.
We strive to simply be Christians gathered into a congregation of Christ’s church. Our goal is to live by what Jesus taught us.
Although non-denominational and totally autonomous, independent Christian churches voluntarily join with other independent Christian churches to support Bible colleges, seminaries, church camps, missionaries and church planting organizations. Currently this congregation supports cross cultural missions in various parts of the world. See the LCC Missions page for a current list of supported missions. LCC also joins with other local Longview churches and ministries to provide benevolence for people of our community in need. See the LCC Local Ministries page for examples of LCC's involvement.
This congregation is led by men chosen by the members of this congregation to serve as Elders. In the New Testament the oversight of the local congregations was entrusted to men who had shown that they were faithful to Jesus Christ personally. They also had exhibited leadership qualities and were willing to serve overseeing the congregation.
The Elders of LCC spend time in prayer together seeking God’s guidance for this congregation as we all grow to be like Christ. The Elders oversee the general direction of the ministry of the congregation, see that the property of the congregation is maintained, and seek God for His plans for this congregation now and in the future. The day-to-day ministry is the responsibility of the staff ministers.
The people of LCC are an eclectic group. We come from many different church backgrounds and even from no church background at all. We are from all walks of life–some are educators, others engineers, builders, counselors, students, homemakers, the medical field, public service, retail–and many other occupations. In Christ’s church we are all equal and His love for us and our responding love for Him is what unifies us.